17. Singing the Womb + My Abortion Story with Waverly Davis

Many ancient cultures knew that the womb is the seat of a woman's power and intuition. Today, unfortunately, many women have forgotten this truth and live disconnected from their wombs. This disconnection often leads to not only discomfort but disease.

In light of Roe v. Wade being overturned, my experiences with motherhood and abortion (having twins in 2015 and an abortion in early 2022), and navigating through a complex motherline and ancestral healing journey — coupled with the profound healing I’ve witnessed in myself and my clients from connecting with the womb — I am called now more than ever to share my story and to guide women into the wisdom of their wombs.

In this episode, I discuss:

  •  my abortion story and what I’ve learned — including the sacred no and how to embody presence in an even deeper way

  • how I supported myself through my abortion journey and the ways in which I received support

  • how I’m feeling today as I reflect on my abortion journey and the state of the world

  • how you can get involved in supporting reproductive rights for women

You can support the Blue Ridge Abortion Fund with this link: blueridgeabortionfund.org

You can find Ashley Hartman Annis’ abortion doula work with this link: ashleyhartmanannis.com

Connect with me on my website waverlydavis.com and on Instagram @heywaverlydavis


18. Wombs and Plants Will Heal the World with Patry Cortes and Laura Hoyos


16. Finding Our Why + Embodied Resilience with Sydney Batson