sound baths

My sound baths offer a trauma-informed sacred space that eases stress and overwhelm for deep rest and relaxation.

At my sound baths, I weave together both somatic and spiritual practices and incorporate a wide array of instruments and soundscapes that support people in experiencing:

— slower brain waves and heart rate leading to reductions in stress and anxiety

— improved focus, attention, and clarity

— deep states of consciousness, introspection, nourishing rest, and connection with the body, mind, and spirit

People leave my sound baths with a quieted mind, open heart, and a profound sense of connection to themselves and the world around them.

  • I offer a completely unique sound bath experience — I don’t work with only crystal singing bowls, but a wide array of instruments, including crystal pyramids, chimes, tuning forks, a shruti box, rattles, tongue drums, and traditional drums. I also incorporate breathwork, singing, chanting, as well as guided meditation and visualization. At the end of my sound baths, I read poetry and writing from my favorite authors.

    Learn more about me and my training.

I host sound baths for:

rites of passage and life transitions

company and employee wellness experiences

weddings and bachelorette gatherings

mother blessings

home blessings


seasonal and cyclical gatherings

grief ceremonies and funerals

some of my clients include:

University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, Department of Chemistry, and Contemplative Sciences Center

The Boars Head Resort

Wintergreen Resort

Common House


IX Art Park

Camp Friendship

The Wool Factory

SUN/SETS event series hosted by FUN Cville

and many local yoga studios & wellness centers

the science of sound

Since the beginning of humanity, people have been using sound, vibration, and frequency as medicine. Think back to hearing a peaceful song and you’ll like remember that while listening you also felt peaceful. Sound has the ability to help your nervous system go from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and relaxation). In this relaxed state, your blood pressure and heart rate drops, along with your cortisol levels (stress hormones).

As you likely know, up to 60% of the human body is water (some scientists say it’s an even higher percentage). Sound healing is so powerful because the soundscapes, vibrations, and frequencies are heard not only in your ears but felt throughout your body, traveling along the river of your inner waters. In typical waking life, we are often in a beta brainwave state, which is active and alert. When we are more relaxed but still have some focus, we enter alpha. When we are deeply relaxed or more commonly, sleeping, we are in the healing and restorative theta brainwave state.

The sounds, vibrations, and frequencies created during sound baths can bring us into this restful and restorative theta brainwave state without us doing anything at all. Sound baths offer us an easily accessible, deeply nourishing experience of rest and relaxation.

Modern science is proving what ancient wisdom has always known about sound healing

A study found in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, conducted by Tamara L. Goldsby, PhD, Michael E. Goldsby, PhD, Mary McWalters, BA, and Paul J. Mills, PhD found that:

— As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood.

— A feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants.

— Sound meditation has shown promise in inducing the relaxation response and helping alleviate anxiety and improve well-being. The relaxation response is the body’s physiological response in relaxation, including lowered blood pressure to counter the fight-or-flight response and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Click to read the full research study


  • All sound baths are one hour long unless discussed otherwise with Waverly.


    1 to 5 participants / $220

    6 to 15 participants / $250

    16 to 30 participants / $280

    For groups with over 31 participants reach out for pricing, waverly@waverlydavis


    Public event sound bath pricing varies. To get more information about hosting a sound bath at your public event, please complete this form: sound bath collaboration form


    There is no travel fee for locations 30 miles or less from Crozet, VA (where I live).

    For locations further than 30 miles from Crozet, the first 60 miles are free and a travel fee of 67 cents per mile will be charged for additional miles (the federal travel fee rate). I will email an invoice for the travel fee cost if it applies.

  • Sound baths are held at your place of choice (homes, offices, Airbnbs, etc.).

  • You will need space for each participant to lie down or sit comfortably with their back and neck supported.

    All participants will need a yoga mat, blanket, or something comfortable to lie or sit on, I do not bring props with me.

  • Children are welcome to attend! As a mother of 9 year old twins, I know that for some kiddos, being quiet and still can be challenging. Lots of movement, fidgeting, or talking during the sound bath is disruptive to other participants so please consider this when bringing children. Thank you!

  • All sound baths are non-refundable and rescheduling is only permitted with 48+ hours' notice.

“Wow, Waverly, thank you so much for this sound experience. Towards the end of the rainsticks, it brought me back to my happy place - Silver Falls State Park in Oregon - and the rushing and falling water of the largest waterfall in the park. The sandpaper and whooshing noises made me feel as though I was the water flowing against the rocks and slowly eroding and making changes as I went.

I wasn’t sure where I was for a while but then the chimes reminded me that I had gone to the ocean and was being lifted up through evaporation into the clouds, where the rain doesn’t choose where it falls and it offers grace to the dry places.

I honestly couldn’t have imagined that this is where it would take me but I appreciated the journey immensely. I will return to this sound bath often and visualize the river, water, and clouds to help me center, focus, find forward motion, and offer grace once again. Thank you!”

— Madison Gorton

“We are all just blown away by your incredible work!! Thank you so so so so so much, we are all still beaming from your sound bath! What a powerful memory as well as serendipitous connections! Your Om Mani Padme Hum chant will live in me! Thank you thank you!”

— Hannah Tufts