somatic sessions

What if you could feel a little more at ease throughout your day? What if you could choose how you respond to the chaos of life a little more often? What if the mundane moments could feel a little more magical?

It’s possible with somatic self-awareness — with connection to your body and its sensations. With more somatic self-awareness, you have more capacity:

∞ to show up more fully for yourself and others

∞ to witness and move toward your wholeness

∞ to be more present in your life — the chaos, the calm, and everything in between

∞ to unconsciously react less and consciously respond more

∞ to sense your dreams and desires and bring them into being

My trauma-informed somatic sessions guide you into somatic self-awareness in a safe and sacred space supporting you in living with less stress and overwhelm and more ease and flow. Through my 7+ years of experience and training, I walk with you into deep presence. Learn more about my training and read testimonials directly from my clients.

Your body speaks in the language of sensation, let’s make space to listen ∞

  • deeper somatic self-awareness means →

  • more capacity to be present for all of life - the chaos, the calm, and everything in between →

  • more capacity to show up with care for yourself, those closest to you, and your community

what to expect

We begin the session by exploring and discussing what’s present for you, what you want to dive into and have space held for. I then guide you through somatic practices that support your intentions. We conclude the session in reflection, by discussing what you experienced and I offer you tools, practices, and resources to hold you in integrating your experience.

The somatic practices I work with include:

∞ body scanning

∞ resourcing

∞ tools for tracking your body’s state and responses

∞ practices for self and co-regulation

∞ mapping the body’s cycles and seasons

∞ parts work for exploring your past, present, and future selves

∞ guided meditation and visualization

∞ sound and voice work

∞ breathwork

∞ free-form movement

Alan Watts

“To go out of your mind at least once a day is tremendously important. Because by going out of your mind you come to your senses.”


Sessions are one hour long and held virtually on Zoom Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 2:30 pm EST.

$135 standard rate / $105 BIPOC pricing. Recordings are available upon request. Reschedules are welcome within 24 hours. Refunds are not offered.

If you would like to book 1 session or 6 sessions and get 1 session free, please purchase your first session below. You will receive an email to schedule your session once purchased.

somatic session
somatic session BIPOC